All aspects of the UM program
including documents, findings and Utilization Management Committee (UMC)
minutes are confidential and protected from disclosure under CMS Regulations,
and State and Federal Law. All persons, employees, and committee members
must understand and agree to comply with confidentiality policies and sign a
Confidentiality Agreement. Identifiable patient information will be
managed according to the approved HIPAA and health plan privacy policies.
Grace Period Notifications
The Affordable Care Act mandates that all qualified health plans like Imperial Insurance Companies, Inc. offering coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace provide a grace period of three consecutive months to APTC Members who fail to pay their monthly premium by the due date. Imperial Insurance Companies, Inc. offers a one-month grace period to Non-APTC members.
Claims Processing:
First Month of Grace Period: Clean claims received for services rendered during the first month of a grace period will be processed using Imperial Insurance Companies, Inc. standard processes and in accordance with state and federal regulations and within established turn-around times. Clean claims received during the second and third month of the members grace period can be pended until payment is made for all delinquent months.
Financial Incentive Statement:
Organization Determinations
Decisions regarding requests for
medical care are based only on appropriateness of care and service and
existence of coverage. Practitioners and other individuals are not specifically
rewarded for issuing denials of coverage or care. Compensation for
individuals who provide utilization review services does not contain
incentives, direct or indirect, for these individuals to make inappropriate
review decisions.
Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest, which
might impair objectivity in any review or decision process, the physician shall
not participate in any deliberation involving such issues and shall not cast a
vote or any related issues. Decision-making is based only on appropriateness of
care and service and existence of coverage. No person in the review process
will review cases in which they were actively or personally involved. If
a potential for conflict of interest is identified, another qualified reviewer
will be designated.
Utilization Management (UM)
Criteria: Medicare Advantage
Imperial Health Holdings Medical
Group complies with national coverage decisions, general Medicare coverage
guidelines (i.e. CMS guidelines, NCD/LCD and applicable health plan guidelines).
Utilization Management (UM)
Utilization review criteria,
based on reasonable medical evidence and acceptable medical standards of
practice Milliman Care Guidelines (MCG), and applicable health plan guidelines,
are used to make decisions pertaining to the utilization of services.
Review criteria are used in conjunction with the application of professional
medical judgment, which considers the needs of the individual patient and
characteristics of the local delivery system.
Criteria Availability to Members,
Providers and the Public
IHHMG makes the UM Criteria
available to its Members, Practitioners and the Public upon written request.
Availability of UM Staff
The Medical Director or Designee
is available 24- hours per day, 7- days per week to manage/support UM processes
and services.
Hours of Operation:
UM Staff are available, during
the business hours of 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, excluding
After Business Hours:
On-call staff is available after
business hours 7- days per week when the IHHMG telephone numbers.
TDD/TTY Services:
IHHMG offers TDD/TTY through the
711 Telecommunications Relay Service and offers
language assistance for members to discuss UM issues
The UM Department's direct fax number is UM Department Fax #
(626) 283-5021
The direct IHHMG email address is
Language Assistance
Is available for Members to
discuss UM issues.
Community Resources
The IHHMG UM staff utilizes the
Community Resource Directories to assist the IHHMG members in locating
services, such as Child Care, Local Emergency Resources etc.
Eligibility and Enrollment
Contact your Health Plan Member
Service Department.
Fraud Waste & Abuse
Annual Fraud Waste & Abuse
Training is required for the IHHMG Network, staff, Providers and Practitioners
Reporting Fraud Waste & Abuse
Anyone can report Fraud Waste and Abuse to IHHMG via email at and
via telephone to (626) 838-5100 or Toll-Free: (800) 497-5509.
IHHMG provides protection of its
members' personal health information (PHI), which includes Electronic Protected
Health Information ("EPHI")
All activities related to HIPAA compliance and the privacy policies and
procedures implemented to follow federal and state laws.